2-Deeps Or Not 2-Deeps: Inside the Silly World of College Football Coaches' Refusal to Reveal Depth Charts
2-Deeps Or Not 2-Deeps: Inside the Silly World of College Football Coaches' Refusal to Reveal Depth Charts

Two-deeps or not two-deeps? That is the question.

Ever since Rutgers and Princeton refused to provide depth charts before college football's first-ever game in 1869 – sources told Action Network both schools had wireless outages that week and their e-mail was down – coaches have had different opinions on whether to release their depth charts.

This year is no different. Of the 131 FBS programs, 113 released their two-deeps (starters and backups at each position) while 18 schools had not provided depth charts for their season openers as of Wednesday night.

The 18 that didn't: Akron, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, LSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Nebraska, Northwestern, Ohio State, Oregon, Penn State, Purdue, South Florida, Texas, USC and Western Michigan.

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