Lombardi: When NFL teams believe the lie
Lombardi: When NFL teams believe the lie  


Do you remember when Jerry Seinfeld was leaving Monk's after having a conversation with George Costanza, and George reminds him:  Just remember, it isn’t a lie if you believe it.”  Those words of wisdom from George are powerful when it applies to NFL teams evaluating themselves.  It’s human nature to lie to yourself and believe it.  Teams don’t want to admit they are not settled at a position, even when the evidence suggests otherwise.  They cling to a lie and believe it. 

Yesterday, I tweeted the raw passing numbers of two quarterbacks, both from the 2021 draft and both 24 years old.

Davis Mills: 28 games (26 starts), 5,782 yards, 33 touchdowns and 25 interceptions, 63.6 % completions and 62 sacks. His team is 5-19-1 in his starts.

Justin Fields: 27 games (25 starts), 4,112 yards, 24 touchdowns and 21 interceptions, 59.7% completions and 91 sacks. His team is 5-20 in his starts.

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