NFL Week 13: Super Bowl Matchups And Our Biggest Parlay Yet

Bah gawd, is that Week 13's music I'm hearing?!!?

Seriously. It always sneaks up on me, the end of the season. Oh, sure, we still have six weeks including this one to go, but … I dunno. I get wistful. Another season, another year, like sands through the hourglass.

All right. Enough of that. Let's look at some stupid bets we can make at America's sportsbooks 'namely, Super Bowl matchups. Who's with me?'

To be clear: There is no way, in any gambling universe, that any of the following are +EV bets. Let's not even pretend there's a whiff of science going on here. After all, we still have six weeks to play, plus the playoffs. Things are going to happen.

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