NBA 10-Day Contract: How Much is an NBA 10-Day Contract?

Most NBA rosters are filled with a couple of high-dollar stars, a number of mid-level players, young players on rookie deals, and then a few veteran minimum contracts to round things out.

However, once the season begins and players start to get injured, roster flexibility becomes important, and fill-in players can be given a shot using a ten-day contract. Players like Seth Curry and Hassan Whiteside once played on 10-day contracts.

How Much is an NBA 10-Day Contract

NBA 10-day contracts ranged from $61,000 to $175,000 and last exactly 10 days.

The exact dollar value of the contract is determined by the player’s experience and years in the NBA. After a 10-day contract, the team must choose to keep the player on the squad or release him.

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