BetMGM Takes .8 Million Loss In New York Super Bowl Betting

New York sports bettors pounded BetMGM on Super Bowl LVIII wagers, coming out $4.8 million ahead on game-related bets, according to figures released Thursday by the New York State Gaming Commission.

Handle for Sunday’s game — won 25-22 by the Kansas City Chiefs over the San Francisco 49ers in overtime — surged to $162.2 million when including futures wagers, an increase of 31% compared to last year’s total of $123.8 million. Despite BetMGM’s huge loss and a near seven-figure loss recorded by Caesars, sportsbooks still came away with close to $12.5 million, posting a collective hold of 7.7%

Sports betting on the game totaled $134.4 million, up 33.7% from 2023. Sportsbooks had close to $27.8 million worth of futures action riding on the Super Bowl, an increase of 19.4% compared to last year’s matchup between the Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles.

The Empire State’s four retail sportsbooks posted a collective loss of nearly $48,100 against $1.3 million worth of wagers, as only del Lago Resort came out ahead. The quartet paid out $153,000 above the $1.28 million handle generated on the game.

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