NFL Week 15: White Lotus, The Titans Killed Me, I'm An Idiot
NFL Week 15: White Lotus, The Titans Killed Me, I'm An Idiot

I'm kind of an idiot, all things considered. I mean, not like the “fourth iteration of Michael Keaton in ” kind of idiot, but more like the “if the Buddhists are correct and we keep getting reincarnated and live billions of lives to understand the nature of the universe and reach nirvana, I'm only on life No. 25 or so” kind of idiot.

What I'm trying to say is I'm kind of easily led.'

Case in point: At a roadside Mexican restaurant years ago, my wife brought me an apple soda by mistake. I tried it, didn't like it. She tried it, loved it. So then I tried it again, and I loved it.'

See? Simple. And it took me two weeks to remember she loathes apple juice, so I asked her if she really liked the apple soda, and she gave me a pitying look and said, “No.”

I'm also heavily influenced by media, particularly fictional media. I distinctly recall seeing Backdraft –'movie about firefighters – and then I spent the next few weeks legitimately, honestly, no joke thinking about becoming a fireman. (For those of you who actually know me, this is an altogether laughable concept.)'

Well, that scenario is happening again as I type this. In my mind, currently, I am a potential philanderer, a potential murderer, a potential rich gay guy, a potential poor straight call girl, a potential rich schnook, a potential …

I kind of have White Lotus fever is what I'm trying to say. For the time being, I'm more interested in Mike White than I am in Mike White.

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