Do NFL players get paid extra in Super Bowl 2023, how much more do players make at Super Bowl 57?

Super Bowl 57 has arrived as the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs will kickoff on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. ET from Glendale, Ariz. Ahead of the action, we're looking at various different aspects surrounding the Super Bowl including what the compensation is like for players who participate in the big game.

NFL players' annual salaries are only paid during the regular season. Once the playoffs start, the actual salaries stop and players get paid weekly as long as they're still in the postseason. Each round garners higher payouts, so players get paid the least in the Wild Card round, and a much higher amount in the Conference Championships and of course, the Super Bowl.

How much do NFL players get paid in the 2023 Super Bowl

Each player on the winning team in Super Bowl 57 gets paid $157,000. Each player on the losing team in Super Bowl 57 gets paid $82,000.

Those figures are up from previous years, as players on the winning team in Super Bowl 56 got paid $150,000 while the losers got paid $75,000. Super Bowl 55 was even lower, with $130,000 paid out to winning players and $65,000 to each losing player.

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