Which MLB Teams Are Best and Worst Built for the Dog Days of August?

The 2022 Major League Baseball season is well past its halfway point and the end of the regular season is off in the distance, but the finish line isn't visible yet. Add stifling heat to the cumulative wear and tear from the long season and teams can either wilt or fight through it and come out stronger on the other side. 

Dimers.com contributor Paul Lebowitz takes a look at the teams that are best and worst equipped to deal with the “dog days” of August and why.


The Best Equipped

Not only do the Dodgers have depth and versatility, but they make sure to give their players adequate rest. They can do so because multiple players can play multiple positions well. They maximize what their players can do rather than force them to try and do things they can't. More importantly, they manage their pitchers' innings. That is true for starters and relievers. 

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