What's the Cost of Being an NBA Fan in 2023-24?

Being an NBA fan has never been more expensive. Inflation and lucrative broadcasting deals have driven up ticket prices, the general cost of attendance, and subscriptions to watch from home. Though fan attendance at games is actually down, profits are up because ticket prices have risen substantially to compensate. 

That leads to a vicious cycle – tickets are more expensive, so less fans want to attend games, which potentially leads to even higher ticket prices to compensate for the losses, and so forth. 

We're crunching the numbers to figure out the current average attendance fees, from tickets to concessions. Currently, this is what the average ticket for each team costs:

NBA Ticket Prices (average):







Atlanta Hawks




Boston Celtics




Brooklyn Nets




Charlotte Hornets




Chicago Bulls




Cleveland Cavaliers




Dallas Mavericks




Denver Nuggets




Detroit Pistons




Golden State Warriors




Houston Rockets




Indiana Pacers




Los Angeles Clippers




Los Angeles Lakers




Memphis Grizzlies




Miami Heat




Milwaukee Bucks




Minnesota Timberwolves




New Orleans Pelicans




New York Knicks




Oklahoma City Thunder




Orlando Magic




Philadelphia 76ers




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