Taylor Swift Is Flying To Las Vegas To Watch Some Football Game
Taylor Swift Is Flying To Las Vegas To Watch Some Football Game

Before we get to my Super Bowl sports betting picks — I know, I know, you can't wait one more second, just settle down — I figured I'd do one of those Peter King-like “things I think I think” things to kick this off.

1) This Kansas City Chiefs team reminds me of Muhammad Ali's rope-a-dope strategy. All regular season long, they looked flat. Playoffs start, they start punching. Despite their flaws, right now, they are probably the last team the 49ers would prefer to face.

2) Taylor Swift is definitely part of a deep state psychological operation. No question. My uncle — who, you should know, always starts his email subject lines with “re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re:” — told me.

3) This game may very well come down to coaching. If that's the case, I stand with Andy Reid. He is not afraid to take risks, whereas Kyle Shanahan is known to be more conservative. And really — it's the 4th quarter, Chiefs down 20-16, they have the ball with four minutes left and facing a 4th and 5 at midfield. You betting against Pat Mahomes there? Exactly.

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