Super Bowl MVP Odds 2024: Mahomes, Purdy, McCaffrey & Kelce Latest Betting Lines

The Super Bowl MVP award is one of the most prestigious honors a player can win, as it signifies that player had an elite performance in one of the biggest games of his career.

To get an idea of the talent level it usually takes to win a Super Bowl MVP, consider that only 48 players have won this award across the 57 previous Super Bowls and most of them either are already in or will end up in the Hall of Fame.

That list includes Tom Brady (who won the award five times), Joe Montana (3), Terry Bradshaw (2), Peyton Manning and Troy Aikman, but there are also players such as Nick Foles, Joe Flacco and Dexter Jackson, who aren't Hall of Fame-caliber but stepped up at the right time on one of the world's biggest stages.

That contrast shows why the Super Bowl MVP award draws high interest levels from fans and sports bettors, as it is intriguing to try to determine who will raise their game when the stakes are highest.

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