Super Bowl betting: How much money is bet on the Super Bowl each year?

The Super Bowl is the biggest single sporting event in America each year, and we see that in the TV ratings and how much people are prepared to wager on the game. The Super Bowl will feature the highest ratings of the calendar year and no single-day event in the United States will feature more money bet on it.

Betting on the Super Bowl has existed all across America since long before the Supreme Court ruled that states could implement sports betting. Whether it be Super Bowl squares and other pools with friends, meeting your local bookie, or traveling to Las Vegas, sports betting has been part of the Super Bowl for decades.

The amount bet on the Super Bowl continues to grow as sports betting legalization moves across America. The American Gaming Association conducted a survey and results show that approximately 50.4 million American adults are expected to bet on Super Bowl 57 and they plan on wagering an estimated $16 billion. In comparison, a year ago, the AGA estimated those numbers at 31.4 million Americans and $7.61 billion.