Sports Betting Investigation Done Correctly, Iowa Agency Says

The Iowa Department of Public Safety fired back at recent legal filings suggesting a sports betting investigation into college athletes in the state was done unlawfully.'

In recent weeks, several lawyers have claimed that investigations conducted by the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (a subdivision of the Department of Public Safety) were unlawful. Lawyers claimed the investigation targeted student athletes at Iowa and Iowa State and that athletes had their gambling activity monitored without a warrant.'

The Department of Public Safety disagrees, arguing the evidence was obtained legally.'

“The Department traditionally does not comment on active investigations or litigation in an effort to ensure these matters are appropriately addressed by our justice system rather than the media,” the statement said. “We believe the evidence was obtained in a constitutionally permissible manner. Ultimately it is up to the courts to decide. We want to reassure Iowans that the Department always strives to scrupulously uphold the laws and constitutions of the United States and the State of Iowa.”'

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