Rookie Betting Controversy Overblown for Millionaire NFL Players
Rookie Betting Controversy Overblown for Millionaire NFL Players

If you're an average American, 70 bucks isn't make or break money. After all, the median salary for an American worker is $59,384, according to the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD).

Sure, it's money, the $70 – or a little more than one-tenth of a percent of the median salary – but it’s not “money.” It's a night out. That's Chili's for four people, less drinks. That's a movie date night, with popcorn and a pre-show cocktail. It’s three Milly Maker entries and a six-pack.

So yeah. While no one is sneezing at $70, it's not all that a significant number. It's filling up your Ford Explorer.

Of course, while prices are fixed, salaries are not. And so if someone was 10X-ing the median salary to $593,840, and we 10X'ed the $70 to $700, it would be more money (duh) but the $700 would be significantly less valuable.

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