MLB betting market report: Daily picks, advice for Saturday, August 13th
MLB betting market report: Daily picks, advice for Saturday, August 13th

The last six weeks of the MLB season have not been kind to me at all. Bad luck and bad handicaps are all part of the process, but you’d certainly like to space them out better than I have. The reality is that you’re going to go through slumps and skids when you’re doing this every day and how you manage those rough patches usually defines you as a bettor.

Understanding and navigating the bad times is not easy, whether you’re a newcomer to the business or a veteran that has seen it all. Compartmentalizing the really difficult periods and not letting them leak over into the other aspects of your life is really important. It’s a process that I’m still working on, despite being in this industry for over a decade as a content creator and more than that with my own investment.

This is not a “woe is me” intro to the article. Few people talk about the mental side of betting, as this industry usually devolves into a competition to see who can pat themselves on the back the hardest. It’s important to me to do that because there are a lot of people that struggle with this business, whether they’re using it as an interest, a hobby, a supplement or to try and make a living.

There’s a lesson for everybody in the hard times, betting or otherwise. Some lessons cost more than others. The hope is to get through them and get to the other side. You just never know how long that route is going to take. I’m still plugging away and still trying to put out what I believe are the best plays on the card. So, it’s a new day with new opportunities and hopefully these ones will pan out.

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