Makinen: Bullpen performance separating MLB teams in 2023

A few weeks ago, I released my preseason bullpen rankings in MLB. Since then, there has been some movement amongst the teams. No matter how much the teams or rankings change, one thing remains certain. Clubs whose bullpens are performing at a high level continue to win games and provide a plethora of profits for bettors. I shared this strategy with readers in my previous article—by simply backing the team with the better Steve Makinen Bullpen Power Rating thus far in the first 10 days of the ’23 season, you would be 86-50 (with five ties in BP PR’s) for +19.92 units. That is already a 14.1% R.O.I. Furthermore, the two teams currently with the highest Bullpen Power Rankings on my scale, the Rays and Brewers, have put together a combined record of 16-2 for +14.2 units.

With this in mind, let’s look at some of the key bullpen stats accumulated in the first 10 games of the season and my current Bullpen Power Ratings as we head into this week’s games. Note, ratings were as of games through Sunday, April 9th, and I do update them daily. I am working through a process with our developers to have these ratings, as well as my team, starting pitcher, and effective run-scoring ratings made available to VSiN subscribers in an easy-to-read and utilize fashion. Hopefully, we will see this implemented in the near future.

Key Bullpen Stats (through games of April 9th)

Top 5 Bullpen ERAs

  1. MILWAUKEE: 0.84
  2. TAMPA BAY: 1.86
  3. TEXAS: 1.89
  5. ATLANTA: 2.90

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