IC360 Launches New Platform To Report Betting Harassment
IC360 Launches New Platform To Report Betting Harassment

Integrity Compliance 360 (IC360) announced the launch of Alert360 on Tuesday, a platform aimed at giving players, coaches, trainers, officials, and other individuals an easy way to report harassment without fear of retaliation.

The platform, which was created in partnership with RealResponse, launches as harassment continues to be a topic of discussion in the sports betting industry. The NCAA is among the organizations concerned with athlete harassment, pushing legislative and regulatory changes in hopes of reducing online and in-person harassment directed at players from angry sports bettors.

Alert360 is a tip line that allows organizations to customize their respective portal. For example, a school or conference could use Alert360 to create messaging and marketing specific to their institution. The product can also be rebranded by the institution, adding another layer of customization that could make it more appealing to potential users.

“The implementation of Alert360, powered by RealResponse, is another example of how we help our partners to stay one step ahead,” IC360's CEO Matthew Holt said in a press release. “An anonymous tip can help limit and prevent acts or threats of physical and emotional harm or intimidation while thwarting attempts to undermine the integrity of sports competitions.”

Another IC360, RealResponse creation

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