Four of The Craziest 2022 NFL Futures Bets
Four of The Craziest 2022 NFL Futures Bets

Hope springs eternal. And in September, that phrase is especially poignant for football fans as each one looks to their favorite team thinking is finally the year. is the year the quarterback takes the next step. is the year the defense figures it out. And while unfortunately for 31 teams this will inevitably not be year, we all excitedly take part in the annual tradition of getting our hopes up. 

For a few select fans though, this feeling of hope goes to an extreme and eventually manifests in a bet that reads more like a lottery ticket than a reasonable outcome. We've taken a look at the craziest NFL futures bets we've seen so far and, just as importantly, attempted to pin down exactly what type of person may be making these Hail Mary plays.


Early last season, the Cardinals were marching towards rarified air. They had achieved a spotless 7-0 record and it seemed that… just maybe… a magical season was brewing. And if, at that very moment, someone were to lose all internet access and human contact, there would be no reason to assume the Cardinals go on to an undefeated season. There would be no reason to assume they actually went on to finish an underwhelming 11-6. And there would be no reason to assume they put forth one of the worst playoff performances of the past decade. That person, blissfully ignorant to the world beyond October 27, 2021, would be perfectly content assuming the Cardinals conquered the Super Bowl with a 17-0 record. 

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By Dimers