Best Super Bowl Odds Boosts from BetMGM, DraftKings, Caesars Sportsbook & More

Several of the top Super Bowl betting sites have begun offering exclusive odds boosts for Chiefs vs. 49ers on Sunday. Taking advantage of these limited time boosts and bonuses is one of the best ways to wager on Super Bowl odds.

Super Bowl odds boosts are an easy way to get improved payouts on a variety of different prop bets and parlays. Every year around the Super Bowl, it is common for all the top sports betting apps to offer a barrage of unique boosted odds that improve your chances of securing extra winnings.

Keep reading below for more information on some of the latest and best Super Bowl odds boosts that are currently available at popular sportsbooks such as DraftKings, BetMGM and Caesars Sportsbook. Plus, learn how you can secure some easy bonus bets with exclusive sportsbook promo codes.

BetMGM Super Bowl Odds Boosts + Bet $5, Get $158 Promo

In addition to some player and team specific boosts that are likely to come by Sunday, BetMGM is currently offering a “Big Game Boost Pack” for all users to claim. This can be found under BetMGM's “promotions” tab. It awards users with a 58% odds boost token, 58% live boost token and 58% SGP boost token.

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