Arizona Licenses bet365 In Tribal Partnership

The Arizona Department of Gaming announced Tuesday that it has awarded one out of a possible three available event wagering licenses to bet365 in partnership with the Ak-Chin Indian Community.

ADOG previously opened an application window with the potential to license two professional sports franchises and one tribe. ADOG did not release the list of applicants or indicate if there were additional applicants that failed to meet the qualification standard.

Bet365 must launch its platform within 180 days, and according to the ADOG, can go live after handling administrative details and is “approved by the Department.”

Early on in the process, it appeared that the United Soccer League’s Phoenix Rising FC would apply, though it failed to meet the qualifying standard in the first round of applications in 2021. The team would have been required to pay a second $100,000 application fee this time around, and sources told that the team did not apply.

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