Is Chewing Tobacco Banned in MLB?
Is Chewing Tobacco Banned in MLB?

From regular-season games to the baseball playoffs to historical footage of MLB legends, we've all seen footage of players dipping or chewing smokeless tobacco.'

It's been a cultural part of the game since the very beginning, but with the rather disgusting habit now linked to a range of serious health effects, it's understandable many want to see smokeless tobacco use eradicated from baseball.

Major League Baseball's 2016 collective bargaining agreement banned the use of smokeless tobacco, including chewing tobacco, for all new big league players. However, it did not apply to any player who already had at least one day of major league service at that time.'

Considering a 2015 study found 37% of major league players and coaches were still using smokeless tobacco, this was a significant, if controversial, move by the MLB to reduce the habit.

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